Our professional successes
Best Managed Companies 2024

In 2024, 21 companies, including Prime Rate Zrt., won the prestigious title in the Best Managed Companies competition announced by the consulting firm Deloitte.
The competition sets out a strict set of criteria for participating businesses, which are assessed by an independent professional jury. Applicants must demonstrate excellence in financial management, strategy building, HR management, resource efficiency and innovation.
We are proud of this outstanding recognition.

MagyarBrands business category
Prime Rate has once again won the MagyarBrands award in the Excellent Business Brand category.

Best Print Hungary
Digital production category
The jury of Best Print Hungary 2023 awarded our production “Yearbook Hiventures” a Bronze Diploma.

MagyarBrands business category
Prime Rate has once again won the MagyarBrands award in the Excellent Business Brand category.

Best Print Hungary Multicoloured
paperback book category
The jury of Best Print Hungary 2022 awarded our book Medieval Churches and Castles in Nógrád County with a Bronze Diploma.

Best Print Hungary
Advertising and marketing category
The professional jury awarded our Christmas Survival Guide with a Gold Diploma. MagyarBrands business category.

MagyarBrands business category
Prime Rate has once again won the MagyarBrands award in the Excellent Business Brand category.

MagyarBrands business category
Prime Rate has won the MagyarBrands award in the Excellent Business Brand category.

Best Print Hungary Special Prize
The jury of Best Print Hungary 2019 awarded a special prize to our book The Secrets of a Jewellery Box.

Of the 100 best SMEs, an independent jury of experts awarded Prime Rate first place in the Industry category.

Pegazus Award
Our company won the Pegazus Award in the category Market leader This is to reward the efforts of the most dynamic Hungarian small and medium-sized enterprises.

Best Print Hungary Special publications
The professional jury awarded our publication “Rundpanorama von Wien” (360-degree Panorama of Vienna) with a Golden Certificate.

2016 Scodix Design
From among our nominations, a children’s book was found to be the best in the category Publication.

Best Print Hungary Golden Award
Our publication Nespresso brochure was awarded the Golden Award in the category Advertising and Marketing Publications in the Best Print Hungary 2016 contest.

Best Print Hungary Special publications
In the category “Special publications”, the Gold Award was awarded to the highly successful LifeBook we produced for dm-Drogerie Markt.

2015 Scodix Design
At the international Design Award Contest by Scodix, our beautiful Nespresso brochure produced for Lyreco came first in the category Design/Brand Promotion.

Best Print Hungary Special Prize
The jury awarded a Special Prize in the Best Print Hungary 2015 contest to our publication Der Spezialist – Budapest programme guide booklet.

2014 Scodix Design Awards 1st place
In the 2014 Scodix Design contest, we achieved the first place in the Technology category with our 3D UV stamp series.

Packaging Special prize
In a very prestigious field, we won the special prize of Packaging magazine in the category 3D printed box.

Budapest Bank – Business Partner Award
Our company’s performance was rewarded with the Budapest Bank Business Partner Award. To our great joy, we ranked 3rd.

Pro Typographia Award
For the digital print product category, our company nominated its 2011 desktop calendar produced for its partners. Natrum won the “Inspiration” special prize of the Printing and Paper Industry Federation

Best Hungarian printer
In the professional competition of the online press magazine www.magyarnyomdasz.hu: our colleagues Péter Bencsik, Gergely Mátay-Mayer, Dávid Sütő and András Tasi reached second place in both years.